This is a workaround while waiting for High Level to create a more direct solution.

1. Copy this URL:

2. Replace "CONTACT_ID_OF_THE_PRIMARY_FIELDS" with the ID of the contact you'd like to merge the duplicate into.

The Contact ID is found in the browser bar on the contact's page. Not "location" number ... the "customer detail" number. It is found in the browser's URL when you're on the contact's page in MyPodBlast.

3. Replace "CONTACT_ID_OF_THE_ONE_THAT_WILL_BE_DELETED" with the ID of the contact you'd like to move over to the primary instance of the contact.

The Contact ID is found in the browser bar on the contact's page. Not "location" number ... the "customer detail" number. It is found in the browser's URL when you're on the contact's page in MyPodBlast.